Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Vegan anyone?

So yeah- haven't "blogged" in like forever because, well, life happens, and happened. I am trying to get back into it. I think its healthy for me to "write" and it saves my children from Mommy Dearest rantings if mommy has a creative outlet  ;^)

So after being diagnosed with the big "C" in November...had a complete shock to reality. I had to change, a lot if I wanted to be around to embarrass my grandchildren someday. My doctor suggested (okay- suggested is a VERY nice way of saying you MUST do this) I go Vegetarian. This to a woman that knows every Mcdonald's and Burger King jingle. To quote my friends in mommyland....whuck?? How in the world would I give up my need and desire for meat? Fortunately for me, this was not just to lose weight, which I could totally say I would do then cheat like crazy...everyone likes a fatty- right?? Nope- this was for my health, or more pointedly, for my LIFE. I started out on day one and thought "this isn't so bad- I think I can do this". I am on my second full week and I tell ya, I am doing it and LOVING it. I have been trying really really hard to go completely Vegan, and that has been hard because I am a Cheese-a-holic. I seriously need a 12 step Cheese program. "My name is Jennifer, and I am a Cheese-a-holic. It's been 20 minutes since my last cube of Cheddar." Luckily I have found some really good recipes and made my own creations that are not only tasty, but filling and good for me. I have lost seven pounds so far and I feel like I have more energy. My lunch today is what I call "Cabbage Salad...yummy yummy" (my fellow parents will now have the Wiggles fruit salad song stuck in your head- and your welcome) I will post my recipes if anyone wants to see them or even **GASP** try them for themselves. Signing off...for now.....the queen bee

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