Tuesday, August 24, 2010

WVU Mountaineers

Does anyone know where I can get ahold of WVU Football tickets? Any home game, face value, 2 seats together...trying to arrange a football weekend for Jesse and I....appreciate any help friends  ;^)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Things you never thought you would say...or implement

One of my girlfriends recently shared a link with me and it was all about Mom's and the crazy rules they have in their homes for their kids. I was laughing out loud SO hard because I guess I thought I was the only one with "odd" or "weird" rules. Here is just a sampling of some of our "rules":

1. Noone is allowed to sing songs about their Butt or talk about it in public
2. Noone is allowed to show their Butt in public, and if you do it at home, it better be going Potty, getting dressed, or taking a Bath, not dancing around shaking it and singing about it (hence rule number 1)
3. The only thing you are allowed to stick in your Nose is your Elbow
4. We do not smell our Feet or ask others to smell them
5. No Toys are allowed to swim in the Toilet at anytime
6. If you act up and have more than one time out in a day, you must go to Walmart and dance out front (not really- but the threat works wonderfully)

That's all I can think of right now, but fortunately, as a Mom, I can and will come up with anymore that I see fit as the days progress  ;^)


Monday, August 16, 2010

Powder...no...not the movie...my son..

Does this REALLY need a Blog?? Isn't it self explanatory that I can NOT leave this child alone for 5 minutes?? And NO...I do NOT know another child that also got into Baby Powder and dumped it all over herself when she was little     ;^P

John Mellencamp - Jack & Diane

Monday Monday...

Great weekend was had by all..... Went to my stompin' grounds and hung out with the rent's and my boys at the Perry Hall Town Fair. Cute little fair, and saw a couple of old friends from school, so that was cool. What wasn't cool? Seeing these little teeny boppers running around with "Gators class of 2012" shirts on. Don't do that...its not cool. Ya know why its not cool sugar britches? Cause it makes me OLD that's why. If I ran around in a "Gators class of 1991" you would offer to help me cross the street. Damn pop-tarts cracking their gum without a care in the world. Why do you want to graduate? Do you want Bills? A Mortgage? Car Payments? Trust me...you can have all my bills if you are in such a hurry hot pants...don't be in such a damn hurry...in the words of John Mellancamp...."hold on to 16 as long as you can".

BUT.....then got to hang out at my parents and play with the boys in the yard which was fun. Best part was my hubby was able to come and hang out too and not work for once on a Saturday- so I had all my family together  ;^D

Went shopping for school lunch stuff and its finally hitting me that Jake is going to Kindergarten in a week. Where did the time go? I am really excited for him because HE is so excited...yet its also very bittersweet. Now when Matthew goes to school? THAT will really hit me....NO more babes....what a weird concept??? It will be good for ALL of us when they are both in school....they will get some schoolin' and mama will get a break ;^)

Yesterday Jesse and I met with our personal trainer at Golds Gym. Not only is Mr. Jake (nice name) the sweetest, most friendliest guy in the world...he is friggin adorable. A D O R B S!!!! And Mr. Adorable knows what he is doing because I am sore, sore, sore. That's his racket ya know. Get all the old Cougars in there staring at him, willing to do 5 more reps just because he is too cute to say no too....then the next day WHAM-O...hello pain. It's all good though, you know the saying...no pain...no gain?? I am living by that motto from now on. Zumba tonight to really work out the rest of me...and then home to crash out in the tub with Calgon.

Sing it John.....

"Gonna let it rock

Let it roll

Let the Bible belt come down

And save my soul

Hold on to 16 as long as you can

Changes comin round real soon

Make us women and men"


Friday, August 13, 2010

Whodathunk it

So Jesse loves Chik Fil A, everything about them...and was really craving it tonight, so he got a Chicken Sandwich and some Chicken Nuggets, of course with the packs of hot Buffalo Sauce. Matthew is sitting in his car seat flipping out for the Hot Sauce he sees sitting in the middle of the console, mainly because it looks like yummy Orange deliciousness (it is, but he had to think it was something else like Ice Cream or something). After screaming for it for 5 minutes, my Ears were not able to take much more- so I finally (in what can only be described as a Mommy Dearest moment) grabbed the half full pack of Hot Sauce and screamed "Here, here...ya want it so bad- take it" (I know- looking back now- hand pounding Forehead moment....waiting on CPS to knock on my door at any moment). Of course he dips his little Tongue right into the packet, starts GRINNING like a little Mad Man and Giggling hysterically. We all looked at each other in a "this kid is nuts" way, but of course, he is ALL me after all (I drink Hot Sauce from the Bottle) so we shouldn't have been too surprised. Matthew went Ape Shit on this Hot Sauce, I mean, laughing, grinning, lapping it up like a Dog and begging for more. After he had some and we took it away from him (not my finest moment handing the packet over in the first place, but I digress) he started acting the same way Jake did when he was about Two years old and had Cotton Candy for the first time at the Fair. Matthew was ZINGING and bouncing in his seat, hooting and hollering and laughing like an Insane little Ozzy Osbourne. We were laughing so hard we had tears coming down our faces. It was like a "Hot Sauce" high instead of a Sugar High. In the end, it was funny as Hell, though probably not a good idea, but he seems no worse for the wear. The only problem now is he is trying to open the fridge and grab my Bottle of Hot Sauce off the shelf...and Mama don't share..... ;^D



My cousin Colin is finally coming home today after serving his Third tour in Iraq (and his military dog Bingo) and I am so happy I can barely stand it!! I can't begin to imagine the sights he has seen, the places he has been, and the job he has to do, all in the name of our country. The sacrifice made by his wife Kara and daughter Briana is huge, and they truly are examples of what "Strong" is. I hope they have the most AMAZING reunion and have plenty of down time together as a family. Can't wait until they can come and visit so I can actually lay eyes on him in person and give him a great big hug. What a BEAUTIFUL day!!! As soon as I hear that he has officially been picked up by Kara and Briana I will cut down my Yellow Ribbon from my Oak Tree that I put up the day he left, and mail it to him.
Take a moment today to think about the job our soldiers do for us, two legged and four legged, and give a prayer of thanks for their sacrifice for you. God Bless us everyone!!!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Twin baby moose in sprinkler

To blog or not to blog...THAT is the question

After hearing from many friends how funny my children's stories are, I decided to succumb to the peer pressure (insert arm that did not need to be twisted) and do it. The stories are all true, and the names have not been changed to protect the innocent, because alas, they are not innocent...they are my kids.

Last night on a late night bathroom visit I noticed light pouring out from under the boys room. Both boys sleep with a nightlight, so I knew the bright light shining could mean only one thing...Matthew was partying. I slowly opened the door and checked the light switch, when I hear "baaa- baaa?" (Matthew's utterance meaning "uh- hi mom..whatcha doing?") I opened the door further to see what looked like throw up all over Matthew's bed, except he is sitting there with this Cheesy smile on his face, clearly not sick and very happy that he had a late night (3am) visitor. Upon closer inspection I see that I am not looking at chunks of throw up, rather, tons and tons of Coins. TONS. (okay- not tons, but at 3am it was A LOT) Matthew had decided to get his Bank, and the good sharer he is, his Brother's Bank, and decided to pry open the lids and dump the entire contents all over his bed. Bills and Coins were EVERYWHERE. I took a deep breath, knew there was no point in saying a word, shook my head and began the long process of trying to find every Coin and Dollar and put them back into the Banks. Of course the Paranoid part of my Brain was freaking out that if I forgot one little Coin, Matthew could find it and put it in his mouth, swallow it, and choke. The fact that he had TONS (not really) of Coins already on his Bed for God knows how long already didn't seem to matter. After I finally thought I got them all in the Banks, I back up, still half asleep, and step down on what can only be described as Four huge Knives sticking into the Sole of my Foot. In actuality, it was a Stegosaurus. Apparently in my distraction of the Money fiasco, I failed to see the Dinosaur/Monster Truck Parade that Matthew has set up on the other side of the room. Literally about Forty Dinosaurs (seriously) and about Twenty Monster Trucks were all lined up, nice and neat, well, until my size Ten came down and ruined the party (party pooper). I did one of those silent screams so I wouldn't wake up Jake, and signed "night-night" to Matthew so I could leave the room before I cried from my Stegosaurus hit and run. So I am tired. Very tired. That is about all I got since I have the Brain of a Marshmallow right now. I'll be back (said in a very bad Arnold Terminator impression)
