Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Things you never thought you would say...or implement

One of my girlfriends recently shared a link with me and it was all about Mom's and the crazy rules they have in their homes for their kids. I was laughing out loud SO hard because I guess I thought I was the only one with "odd" or "weird" rules. Here is just a sampling of some of our "rules":

1. Noone is allowed to sing songs about their Butt or talk about it in public
2. Noone is allowed to show their Butt in public, and if you do it at home, it better be going Potty, getting dressed, or taking a Bath, not dancing around shaking it and singing about it (hence rule number 1)
3. The only thing you are allowed to stick in your Nose is your Elbow
4. We do not smell our Feet or ask others to smell them
5. No Toys are allowed to swim in the Toilet at anytime
6. If you act up and have more than one time out in a day, you must go to Walmart and dance out front (not really- but the threat works wonderfully)

That's all I can think of right now, but fortunately, as a Mom, I can and will come up with anymore that I see fit as the days progress  ;^)



  1. And I forgot to add the best... NO cutting your hair because you were hot...and NO cutting your brother, dog, or cat's hair either...they are not that hot. ;^)

  2. Oh! And no licking the Dog or the Refrigerator or the Dining Room table.

  3. AND......Train Tracks are not to be used as Swords...and the Dog is a BOY...we do not need to keep lifting his leg to check out his Penis...

  4. OMG!! That is too damn funny! I honestly thought that we were crazy for some of our rules when the boys were little and now I know that we weren't. So funny, we had rules about farting (that one is still in use just modified a little, rules about naked dancing, picking noses and so on. Wow it is universal!!
