Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Monday...

Great weekend was had by all..... Went to my stompin' grounds and hung out with the rent's and my boys at the Perry Hall Town Fair. Cute little fair, and saw a couple of old friends from school, so that was cool. What wasn't cool? Seeing these little teeny boppers running around with "Gators class of 2012" shirts on. Don't do that...its not cool. Ya know why its not cool sugar britches? Cause it makes me OLD that's why. If I ran around in a "Gators class of 1991" you would offer to help me cross the street. Damn pop-tarts cracking their gum without a care in the world. Why do you want to graduate? Do you want Bills? A Mortgage? Car Payments? Trust can have all my bills if you are in such a hurry hot pants...don't be in such a damn the words of John Mellancamp...."hold on to 16 as long as you can".

BUT.....then got to hang out at my parents and play with the boys in the yard which was fun. Best part was my hubby was able to come and hang out too and not work for once on a Saturday- so I had all my family together  ;^D

Went shopping for school lunch stuff and its finally hitting me that Jake is going to Kindergarten in a week. Where did the time go? I am really excited for him because HE is so excited...yet its also very bittersweet. Now when Matthew goes to school? THAT will really hit me....NO more babes....what a weird concept??? It will be good for ALL of us when they are both in school....they will get some schoolin' and mama will get a break ;^)

Yesterday Jesse and I met with our personal trainer at Golds Gym. Not only is Mr. Jake (nice name) the sweetest, most friendliest guy in the world...he is friggin adorable. A D O R B S!!!! And Mr. Adorable knows what he is doing because I am sore, sore, sore. That's his racket ya know. Get all the old Cougars in there staring at him, willing to do 5 more reps just because he is too cute to say no too....then the next day WHAM-O...hello pain. It's all good though, you know the gain?? I am living by that motto from now on. Zumba tonight to really work out the rest of me...and then home to crash out in the tub with Calgon.

Sing it John.....

"Gonna let it rock

Let it roll

Let the Bible belt come down

And save my soul

Hold on to 16 as long as you can

Changes comin round real soon

Make us women and men"


1 comment:

  1. This is really cute! Somehow it seems eerily familiar, ahhhh that's it, MOTHERHOOD! I can relate a 100% with the 2012 grads feelings you shared. When we were graduating as you said in 1991, we had no idea what we were moving forward to face but somehow it in my mind it was going to be something bigger, better and even grand. Well at 37 years old I can honestly say that the bills are bigger, kinda like my ass. The quality of my life is better, mainly because of the love of a real good man. And I do think that overall it is a GRAND LIFE. Great blog Jen!! :)
