Friday, August 13, 2010


My cousin Colin is finally coming home today after serving his Third tour in Iraq (and his military dog Bingo) and I am so happy I can barely stand it!! I can't begin to imagine the sights he has seen, the places he has been, and the job he has to do, all in the name of our country. The sacrifice made by his wife Kara and daughter Briana is huge, and they truly are examples of what "Strong" is. I hope they have the most AMAZING reunion and have plenty of down time together as a family. Can't wait until they can come and visit so I can actually lay eyes on him in person and give him a great big hug. What a BEAUTIFUL day!!! As soon as I hear that he has officially been picked up by Kara and Briana I will cut down my Yellow Ribbon from my Oak Tree that I put up the day he left, and mail it to him.
Take a moment today to think about the job our soldiers do for us, two legged and four legged, and give a prayer of thanks for their sacrifice for you. God Bless us everyone!!!


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear the news!!! :) Thank you for sharing. :) That is very touching, and I am so proud of our military too. I always keep them in my prayers, and I will keep Colin and his family in my prayers as well.
